[四川师范大学-商学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2021年9月11日






2013—2017 University of Surrey, Surrey Business School, UK 管理学 博士

2011—2012 University of Surrey, Surrey Business School, UK 金融学 硕士

2009—2011 University Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Business School, UK 会计学 学士


2015—2017 University of Surrey, Surrey Business School, UK 助教

2017—2020 电子科技大学,经济与管理学院,博士后

2020/07—至今 四川师范大学,商学院,讲师


2018 中国博士后科学基金第64批面上资助(2018M643431),银行市场空间竞争对企业创新影响的微观机理研究。


[1] Tian, L., Han, L. and Zhang, S. (2015) “Business Life Cycle and Capital Structure: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firm”. China and World Economy, 23(2), pp. 22-39. (SSCI)

[2] Yang, X., Han, L., Li, W., Yin, X. and Tian, L. (2017) “Monetary Policy, Cash Holding and Corporate Investment: Evidence from China”, China Economic Review, 42, pp.110-122. (SSCI)

[3] Tian, L. and Han, L. (2018) “How Local Is Local? Evidence from Bank Competition and Corporate Innovation in U.S.”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 50(3), pp. 1-36. (ABS3*)

[4] Li, X., Song, X., Tian, L., Han, L. and Cai, H. (2019) “Interest Rate Regulation, Earnings Transparency and Capital Structure: Evidence from China”, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15(5), pp. 923-947. (SSCI)

[5] Tian, L. and Han, L. (2020) “Bank Competition, Information Specialization and Innovation”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 54(3), pp. 1011-1035. (ABS3*)

[6] Han, L., Tian, L. and Mi, B (2020) Information Asymmetries and Entrepreneurial Finance: Evidence from Theories and Empirics. In: George Saridakis and Marc Cowling (Eds.), Handbook of quantitative research methods in entrepreneurship, Chapter 13, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

[7] Tian, L. and Han, L. (forthcoming) “Nurturing Regional Innovation: The Effect of Bank Competition in U.S.”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance.


[1] Lin TIAN and Liang HAN (2015) “Banking Market Competition and Corporate Innovation”, 7th IFABS Conference.

[2] Lin TIAN and Liang HAN (2017) “How Local Is Local? Evidence from Bank Competition and Corporate Innovation in U.S.”, EFM2017 Symposium. 

[3] 田琳, 米彪 (2019)“省际投入产出的金融因素探究——来自中国银行业管制放松的经验研究”, 第十三届中华发展经济学年会。


《会计信息系统》、《财务共享中心应用实训》、《ACCA F1 – Accountant in Business》、《ACCA F4 – Corporate and Business Law》

